I love my husband.  He’s a wonderful, kind, creative, brilliant, intuitive, charming man.  And I’ve known him for a while – since 1986 – so you’d think I would have some insight into the way his mind works.  Yet, he surprises me daily… usually in a good way, ha!

The table was set for last week’s wedding elopement.  It’s lovely, and this is what I saw:

And while Larry took dozens of table pictures, looking for just the right shot, he saw this…

As much as I appreciate the table settings, and all the tiny details that go into creating them, and as pleased as I was about the way that bouquet turned out, I would have missed this photograph.  It is so delicate, and evocative of that dappled-sunlight day.

Just enough roses so you’d know it’s a bouquet.  Sunlit reflection on the champagne flute stem, with a single silk rose petal.  An edge of Battenburg lace.  Shadows and light.

It’s such a pleasure, for me, seeing the world through his eyes.


4 Responses

  1. His pictures are stunning, I love that the new wand is even present.
    I like pictures as seen through another persons eyes, we sometimes don’t see those special details that really are the moment in time that needed to be captured.