Wildflower Bouquet

The bride said, “I want my wedding bouquet to be filled with light, airy flowers… like you just walked out into a field and picked it.” Ah, romance. She loved it!
The Maggie Valley Weddings Website

I’m having fun, updating the anniversary picture on the Maggie Valley Weddings website every day. Nostalgic for me! Every wedding couple is unique, so every wedding has its own flavor, its own memories. I have the best job in the world. Oh yes, I do!!
And the bride’s bouquet was yellow

Bridal bouquet, in yellow
A Day in the Life of The Wedding Fairygodmother

Gorgeous berries so sweet they didn’t even need the candy, I dipped them in Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate (heaven help us) and topped each with a white chocolate ‘button’. Then dusted my grandmother’s pink crystal footed cake plate with powdered sugar, arranged the strawberries and ringed it all with baby’s breath.
Wedding Faeries in the Garden
The flower girls today were daughters of the bride and groom. He came all the way from Sarasota, she came all the way from Thailand! The two daughters are the same age and were just exquisite little wood sprites that decorated the garden. They danced from flower to flower like butterflies! It was beautiful to […]
Once you’re my bride, you’re my bride forever!
My brides. Y’all know who you are. I fall in love with my wedding couples -it’s as simple as that. It is intensely personal, to play a role in someone’s wedding day. Time condenses and a bond is created. That’s one of my favorite things about performing weddings. Now, the very first time, I was […]