Larry’s very first gallery show!

I’m just bustin, I’m so proud. Larry left me up here in these mountains all alone to get ready for his first big SHOW. I’ll be hanging his photos at Frogs Leap Public House on Tuesday!! They are, in a word, spectacular. But y’all knew that. My big challenge was to write a bio for […]


Picnic baskets, they way they oughta be

Ok, I’d like to think I’m fairly intelligent, but have to admit that it took me fifteen years (that’s right, years) to finally figure out that when folks leave here with a picnic basket, it should be a memento of their time in the mountains, not a Made in China purchase. Good heavens. Years. Yesterday, […]


Casa Blanca – queen of the lilies

The first of the Casa Blancas has bloomed – I always hold my breath, waiting for these regal beauties.  There’s nothing quite like the pure white blooms, so much larger than any other flower I’ve grown.  And the scent is divine! I took the photo below this morning, unretouched, and the white of the lily […]


Lily du Jour

A close up of Timberwolf Creek’s asiatic lily ‘Butter Pixie’ Today, allow me to present, for your viewing pleasure, the Asiatic lily named “Butter Pixie”. She melts my heart. She’s awfully pretty.
