Savoring the Sweet Life

A cool, green, quiet space
Today is the perfect day to appreciate October’s Bright Blue Weather.

“Bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush
Of woods, for winter waiting”
The Creek House kitchen
I have been remiss. With eleventy bazillion photos of the Creek House all over this website and also, I didn’t realize I skipped pictures of my hands-down favorite place to be – in the kitchen! Now, this is not a dream house magazine spread designer gourmet kitchen. Far from it. It isn’t snazzy. But […]
Picnic Lunch in the Great Smoky Mountains
At last! Something special for our hikers. Our Picnic Package always includes the basket – so that you can take it with you on your travels. We’ve just gotten in our newest edition of baskets: a backpack! These things are SO COOL! The body of the backpack is insulated, and when you unzip the outside […]
The WNC Cheese Trail – an artisnal delight
Head down to the Montgomery Street Market…
Squirt guns, and their use

Never let it be said that we can’t use humor to end an argument. I recently posted this on facebook, “Serious advice for the ladies: If you share an office area with your sweetheart, as I do, get a pretty little dish and sit it by your mousepad. Now, get an itty bitty squirt gun […]
Wine Tasting at Frankie’s Italian Trattoria
The Ca’ Viola Barbera d’Alba… It stole my heart.
October’s Bright Blue Weather deserves a mention, today!

October’s Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885) O SUNS and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival for one hour October’s bright blue weather; When loud the bumble-bee makes haste, Belated, thriftless vagrant, And Golden-Rod is dying fast, And lanes with grapes are fragrant; When Gentians roll […]
What’s your Travel Personality?
I wondered if maybe there were also four corresponding travel personalities…
A Celtic Handfasting

A handfasting is an ancient Celtic custom, which allowed a couple to make a marital commitment to each other, for a year-and-a-day.