s’More Apples
teeny tiny itty-bitty micro mini squishy marshmallows
Just a plain breakfast, please

I just love this Southern man to pieces – he wants sweet tea at every meal.
Veteran’s Day 11/11/11

Marriage Ceremonies for our Vets
Keeping my coffee hot…

I like my coffee hot. Not mostly hot, or a little bit hot, or fairly hot. Steaming, piping, right-from-the-pot hot.
October’s Bright Blue Weather
When springs run low, and on the brooks,
In idle golden freighting,
Bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush
Of woods, for winter waiting
Fresh Blueberries!

We’re blessed with the most wonderful friends. Thank you, Rick & Judy, for the gorgeous just-picked blueberries from your garden!
Wildflower Bouquet

The bride said, “I want my wedding bouquet to be filled with light, airy flowers… like you just walked out into a field and picked it.” Ah, romance. She loved it!
The Maggie Valley Weddings Website

I’m having fun, updating the anniversary picture on the Maggie Valley Weddings website every day. Nostalgic for me! Every wedding couple is unique, so every wedding has its own flavor, its own memories. I have the best job in the world. Oh yes, I do!!
The Perfect Coffee Mug
We leaned forward to listen, as one of the ladies prepared to tell us about her requirements for a Perfect Man. He would be tall, she said, and employed. Funny and smart go without saying. She restricted his age to 35-43, and begging your pardon, he simply cannot be a democrat. We sat back and […]
And the bride’s bouquet was yellow

Bridal bouquet, in yellow