Hello, July! The daylilies have arrived!

Painting Lilies

A pure white lily and a bit of gold and cadmium yellow…
Lilies and more lilies

Red flowers are such show-offs. “Look at me!”
I don’t mind obliging.
Lily du Jour

A close up of Timberwolf Creek’s asiatic lily ‘Butter Pixie’ Today, allow me to present, for your viewing pleasure, the Asiatic lily named “Butter Pixie”. She melts my heart. She’s awfully pretty.
Guest Blogger? How about Guest Poet…
Shh.. I have a secret
That I just have to tell
I met a fairy godmother
Into the rabbit hole I fell.
Appalachian Mountains? Smokies? Blue Ridge?
The Smoky Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains, and Appalachian Mountains all come together for you at Timberwolf Creek.
Horses in the pasture come to greet me

The air is fresh and cool after a good rain. The only sound is coming from the creek. It’s hard to describe how serene it is. You have to just see it for yourself. —Larry
A Hosta, by any other name…

Ok, maybe you can help. I’ve spent endless hours on Google, trying to identify my hostas. These are the ones I have in abundance, planted in the outdoor wedding chapel gardens… but there are others… I’ve learned more about hostas than I ever dreamed there was to know! Margins and leaf shapes and textures, etc. […]
Mid-spring Walkabout

the last of the daffodils, the last of the hyacinth
Daffodils, Lilacs and Hostas – Oh My!

It must be April! The daffodils have already been blooming like mad in an early spring frenzy. The one pictured here is a late-comer (if you can imagine a daffodil being late on the first of April. But isn’t he a beauty, all white and dapper with his pale yellow collar… His name is actually […]