Savoring the Sweet Life

A cool, green, quiet space
The Creek House kitchen
I have been remiss. With eleventy bazillion photos of the Creek House all over this website and also, I didn’t realize I skipped pictures of my hands-down favorite place to be – in the kitchen! Now, this is not a dream house magazine spread designer gourmet kitchen. Far from it. It isn’t snazzy. But […]
Picnic Lunch in the Great Smoky Mountains
At last! Something special for our hikers. Our Picnic Package always includes the basket – so that you can take it with you on your travels. We’ve just gotten in our newest edition of baskets: a backpack! These things are SO COOL! The body of the backpack is insulated, and when you unzip the outside […]
Squirt guns, and their use

Never let it be said that we can’t use humor to end an argument. I recently posted this on facebook, “Serious advice for the ladies: If you share an office area with your sweetheart, as I do, get a pretty little dish and sit it by your mousepad. Now, get an itty bitty squirt gun […]
Wine Tasting at Frankie’s Italian Trattoria
The Ca’ Viola Barbera d’Alba… It stole my heart.
October’s Bright Blue Weather deserves a mention, today!

October’s Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885) O SUNS and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival for one hour October’s bright blue weather; When loud the bumble-bee makes haste, Belated, thriftless vagrant, And Golden-Rod is dying fast, And lanes with grapes are fragrant; When Gentians roll […]
A Celtic Handfasting

A handfasting is an ancient Celtic custom, which allowed a couple to make a marital commitment to each other, for a year-and-a-day.
Picnic baskets, they way they oughta be

Ok, I’d like to think I’m fairly intelligent, but have to admit that it took me fifteen years (that’s right, years) to finally figure out that when folks leave here with a picnic basket, it should be a memento of their time in the mountains, not a Made in China purchase. Good heavens. Years. Yesterday, […]
Trout Fishing – complete with rod & reel and mini-tackle box with lures $5
Mountain Heritage Trout Waters program makes it a piece o’ cake to fish for trout while you’re staying with us!
Casa Blanca – queen of the lilies

The first of the Casa Blancas has bloomed – I always hold my breath, waiting for these regal beauties. There’s nothing quite like the pure white blooms, so much larger than any other flower I’ve grown. And the scent is divine! I took the photo below this morning, unretouched, and the white of the lily […]