Daffodils, Lilacs and Hostas – Oh My!

It must be April! The daffodils have already been blooming like mad in an early spring frenzy. The one pictured here is a late-comer (if you can imagine a daffodil being late on the first of April. But isn’t he a beauty, all white and dapper with his pale yellow collar… His name is actually […]
Veteran’s Day 11/11/11

Marriage Ceremonies for our Vets
October’s Bright Blue Weather
When springs run low, and on the brooks,
In idle golden freighting,
Bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush
Of woods, for winter waiting
Biker Weddings R Us

Every so often you do something, just for the fun of it. Today was definitely one of those days! The rain stopped just in time for a bright sunny wedding, bride and groom arrived on their Harley, it was a lovely ceremony, with lots of smiles all around. And my favorite part, here’s the wedding […]
The Perfect Coffee Mug
We leaned forward to listen, as one of the ladies prepared to tell us about her requirements for a Perfect Man. He would be tall, she said, and employed. Funny and smart go without saying. She restricted his age to 35-43, and begging your pardon, he simply cannot be a democrat. We sat back and […]
And the bride’s bouquet was yellow

Bridal bouquet, in yellow
A Day in the Life of The Wedding Fairygodmother

Gorgeous berries so sweet they didn’t even need the candy, I dipped them in Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate (heaven help us) and topped each with a white chocolate ‘button’. Then dusted my grandmother’s pink crystal footed cake plate with powdered sugar, arranged the strawberries and ringed it all with baby’s breath.
Chillin’ with Celebrities…
They checked in at 3:00 and Larry had to come find me at 7. It was one of those Ya-Ya Sisters afternoons, when the fountain of friendship just bubbles over.
Making a Bridal Bouquet for a Smoky Mountain Elopement!

Step-by-step instructions for making a bride’s bouquet, made at Timberwolf Creek for a Smoky Mountain Elopement.
Maggie Valley Family Wedding

A new daddy offers his vows to his little step-daughter, in a touching moment