The Creek House kitchen
I have been remiss. With eleventy bazillion photos of the Creek House all over this website and also, I didn’t realize I skipped pictures of my hands-down favorite place to be – in the kitchen! Now, this is not a dream house magazine spread designer gourmet kitchen. Far from it. It isn’t snazzy. But […]
Poached Eggs

Confessions of an Innkeeper: I’ve had my B&B since 1998, I’m 58 years old, and today I poached an egg for the first time in my life. I’m astonished how fast, how simple, how easy – and why in the world have I been so intimidated by this??!? Nevermore! Break an egg (cold & fresh) […]
Buttermilk Pancakes – light as air and lots tastier

The meringue makes the pancakes say, “Poof!” when they hit the griddle.
s’More Apples
teeny tiny itty-bitty micro mini squishy marshmallows
Just a plain breakfast, please

I just love this Southern man to pieces – he wants sweet tea at every meal.
A little team-building…
Foodies at Disney’s Food & Wine Festival
Recipe for Annette’s Wedding Breakfast

Chapelure is just French for ‘bread crumbs’. To the best of my knowledge, nobody else calls their oven-baked French toast ‘bread crumbs’, so if you’re offered chapelure anyplace besides Timberwolf Creek… well… you might want to get more information!
Fresh Blueberries!

We’re blessed with the most wonderful friends. Thank you, Rick & Judy, for the gorgeous just-picked blueberries from your garden!
Kitchen Organization, Reorganization, and Treasures
There’s not one person reading this, who’s got a kitchen and uses it, that wouldn’t love to have just one more cabinet.
The Perfect Coffee Mug
We leaned forward to listen, as one of the ladies prepared to tell us about her requirements for a Perfect Man. He would be tall, she said, and employed. Funny and smart go without saying. She restricted his age to 35-43, and begging your pardon, he simply cannot be a democrat. We sat back and […]