Squirt guns, and their use

Never let it be said that we can’t use humor to end an argument. I recently posted this on facebook, “Serious advice for the ladies: If you share an office area with your sweetheart, as I do, get a pretty little dish and sit it by your mousepad. Now, get an itty bitty squirt gun […]


Larkspur… even the name is romantic

Today’s bride requested a bouquet of purple and green. I thought to myself, “Purple and green? How in the world am I going to make that pretty?” Then she asked for a head wreath. Ummmm, no. I know, I know, all the answers are supposed to be yes. It wasn’t easy to tell a bride […]


Mother’s Day Wedding Story!

So, today is Mother’s Day. Today’s bride, Lisa, tells me that a couple of years ago she worried about what her sons thought of Scott. They were all in the kitchen and she said, “I don’t think I’m going to call him anymore.” She turned around and both boys had stopped what they were doing. […]


A Celtic Handfasting

A handfasting is an ancient Celtic custom, which allowed a couple to make a marital commitment to each other, for a year-and-a-day.


Quarterversary – the 3 Month Anniversary Gift List

I love my brides.  You all know that I do.  Grooms are pretty ok, too. And they’re always saying, once the wedding ceremony’s done and they’re heading back home, “We’re definitely coming back for our anniversary!”  I’ve taken to responding, “You don’t have to wait a year.  You can come back on your 3-month anniversary.” […]


Wedding Trend: the Sash Pin

Maybe you’ll use your great grandmother’s antique brooch. Or the pin your aunt wore when she eloped. Or a diaper pin your mother saved with your baby things. Your dad’s tie-tack. Or maybe you’ll choose something that matches your colors – a fabric flower pin, or a brooch of colored beads. Or a kilt pin. Or a cameo. Your Girl Scout pin. I Like Ike. Beam me up Scotty with a Star Trek pin.
