Daffodils, Lilacs and Hostas – Oh My!

It must be April! The daffodils have already been blooming like mad in an early spring frenzy. The one pictured here is a late-comer (if you can imagine a daffodil being late on the first of April. But isn’t he a beauty, all white and dapper with his pale yellow collar… His name is actually […]
s’More Apples
teeny tiny itty-bitty micro mini squishy marshmallows
Just a plain breakfast, please

I just love this Southern man to pieces – he wants sweet tea at every meal.
Aha, Omigosh, Hit me over the head, B&Bs are the Better Way to Stay!
Hotels simply cannot provide the experience of a Bed & Breakfast
Good Times at PAII

It should come as no surprise that my closest friends are innkeepers.
Veteran’s Day 11/11/11

Marriage Ceremonies for our Vets
A little team-building…
Foodies at Disney’s Food & Wine Festival
Keeping my coffee hot…

I like my coffee hot. Not mostly hot, or a little bit hot, or fairly hot. Steaming, piping, right-from-the-pot hot.
Recipe for Annette’s Wedding Breakfast

Chapelure is just French for ‘bread crumbs’. To the best of my knowledge, nobody else calls their oven-baked French toast ‘bread crumbs’, so if you’re offered chapelure anyplace besides Timberwolf Creek… well… you might want to get more information!
Blueberry Scones for Larry

Larry’s recipe for blueberry scones: “Take one part Red head, add sad puppy eyes and viola! Scones appear!” Well. Ok. It works for Larry, anyway.