The Perfect Coffee Mug
We leaned forward to listen, as one of the ladies prepared to tell us about her requirements for a Perfect Man. He would be tall, she said, and employed. Funny and smart go without saying. She restricted his age to 35-43, and begging your pardon, he simply cannot be a democrat. We sat back and […]
Recipe for Success – Start the day with dessert!
Strawberry Parfait… for Breakfast!
A breakfast basket for two, discretely delivered to your door…
I tucked a little bowl of my peach butter in the basket, too.
A Day in the Life of The Wedding Fairygodmother

Gorgeous berries so sweet they didn’t even need the candy, I dipped them in Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate (heaven help us) and topped each with a white chocolate ‘button’. Then dusted my grandmother’s pink crystal footed cake plate with powdered sugar, arranged the strawberries and ringed it all with baby’s breath.
Making a Bridal Bouquet for a Smoky Mountain Elopement!

Step-by-step instructions for making a bride’s bouquet, made at Timberwolf Creek for a Smoky Mountain Elopement.
Maggie Valley Family Wedding

A new daddy offers his vows to his little step-daughter, in a touching moment