My brides.  Y’all know who you are.

I fall in love with my wedding couples -it’s as simple as that.  It is intensely personal, to play a role in someone’s wedding day.  Time condenses and a bond is created.  That’s one of my favorite things about performing weddings.  Now, the very first time, I was sure a big lightning bolt with my name on it was going to fall from the sky with a booming Who Dost Thou Think Thy Art.  But it didn’t happen like that.  Instead, I was encompassed in such a spiritual peace and sense of rightness, that I knew I’d found my calling.  And more: it wasn’t about me at all.  No, not at all.  But it was surely a gift for me.  And that’s the way it is every time.

The folks who’ve been married here hold a dear place in my heart.  And I do try to keep in touch with all my brides.  So, when I got this message today, it just meant the world to me:  “The hostess of my baby shower is sending out fabric to out of town friends to fill in special messages. The fabric will be made into a quilt. I’d like to have one from you.”

Oh My Goodness, and I got all misty-eyed.  To continue to be a part of this couple -now this family- makes me all proud and humble at the same time!  I’m sure there is a word for that.  Well, HAPPY surely qualifies.  What a tremendous honor, to be included in such a special way.  I am so grateful.

